
Monday, February 18, 2013

Since you asked, my day was great!

Actually, it was kind of a busy day for me today - I took the bus into downtown Seattle to check out a jewelry supply shop (I hate driving and parking downtown. The bus takes longer, but I don't have to pay attention to traffic or search for parking), managed to take the slightly wrong bus home, found the right bus to get me home from where I ended up, then finally got home and cleaned the entire upstairs AND did laundry, then I finished up one of my latest soldered jewelry pieces. All before dinner. Oh, and I made dinner, too. (Don't ask me about the dishes...)

Take a look!

It just needs a trip through my brand new tumbler, but it will have to wait a few days until the steel shot that I ordered is delivered. I'm excited for that new delivery because I also ordered a few sheets of copper as well as some lab-created rubies and sterling stone settings. Now I'll get to try my hand at bezels and stone setting!

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